“Inner Ears (Labyrinth)” Labyrinth (Inner Ear) In our body's organ of hearing (ears), the Inner Ear (Labyrinth), consisting of two labyrinthine compartments, the bony labyrinth (osseous labyrinth) with its complex of three interconnecting cavities (cochlea, vestibular labyrinth, semicircular canals) and the membranous labyrinth with its complex of sacs and tubules.Innervation In our body, the Inner Ears (Labyrinth) are innervated by the acoustic nerve (cranial nerve viii, eighth cranial nerve). * [3032]
Labyrinth (Inner Ear) In our body's organ of hearing (ears), the Inner Ear (Labyrinth), consisting of two labyrinthine compartments, the bony labyrinth (osseous labyrinth) with its complex of three interconnecting cavities (cochlea, vestibular labyrinth, semicircular canals) and the membranous labyrinth with its complex of sacs and tubules.Innervation In our body, the Inner Ears (Labyrinth) are innervated by the acoustic nerve (cranial nerve viii, eighth cranial nerve). *