“Chamaephytes” In nature, Chamaephytes are woody plants, usually perennial, whose resting buds (perennating buds) are on or near the surface of the ground. In botany, chamaephytes, as a subdivision of the Raunkiaer plant life-form scheme includes: Geophytes Helophytes Hydrophytes Examples of chamaephytes include: suffruticose chamaephyte group Brassica incana Brassica rupestris (brown mustard) Centranthus ruber (red valerian) Crithmum maritimum * [80373]
In nature, Chamaephytes are woody plants, usually perennial, whose resting buds (perennating buds) are on or near the surface of the ground. In botany, chamaephytes, as a subdivision of the Raunkiaer plant life-form scheme includes: Geophytes Helophytes Hydrophytes Examples of chamaephytes include: suffruticose chamaephyte group Brassica incana Brassica rupestris (brown mustard) Centranthus ruber (red valerian) Crithmum maritimum *