“Raunkiaer Plant Life-Forms” In botany, Raunkiaer Plant Life-Forms is a plant life-form scheme based on the location on the plant of the bud (plant's growth-point) during seasons with adverse conditions such as during cold seasons and dry seasons. The subdivisions of the Raunkiaer plant life-forms include: Phanerophytes chamaephytes hemicryptophytes cryptophytes geophytes helophytes hydrophytes therophytes Aerophytes Epiphytes * [80283]
In botany, Raunkiaer Plant Life-Forms is a plant life-form scheme based on the location on the plant of the bud (plant's growth-point) during seasons with adverse conditions such as during cold seasons and dry seasons. The subdivisions of the Raunkiaer plant life-forms include: Phanerophytes chamaephytes hemicryptophytes cryptophytes geophytes helophytes hydrophytes therophytes Aerophytes Epiphytes *