“Occurrents” Occurrent An Occurrent is an entity, that unfolds itself in time or it is the instantaneous boundary of such an entity, or is a temporal or spatiotemporal region, which such an entity occupies temporal region or occupies spatiotemporal region. Examples of subsets, concepts, subjects and related entities of occurrents include: temporal entities (temporal regions) spatiotemporal regions regulation of membrane potentials process boundary processes bodily processes process profile history processual entities * [1403]
Occurrent An Occurrent is an entity, that unfolds itself in time or it is the instantaneous boundary of such an entity, or is a temporal or spatiotemporal region, which such an entity occupies temporal region or occupies spatiotemporal region. Examples of subsets, concepts, subjects and related entities of occurrents include: temporal entities (temporal regions) spatiotemporal regions regulation of membrane potentials process boundary processes bodily processes process profile history processual entities *