“Transforming Growth Factor beta Superfamily Proteins (TGF-beta Superfamily Proteins)” TGF-beta Superfamily Proteins In our body, Transforming Growth Factor beta Superfamily Proteins (TGF-beta Superfamily Proteins) is a large growth factor family of cell regulatory intercellular signaling proteins such as cytokines, structurally related to transforming growth factor beta, subdivided into at least three related protein families: bone morphogenetic proteins, growth differentiation factors and transforming growth factors. In our body's cells, the Transforming Growth Factor beta (TGF-β) Superfamily a play fundamental role in the regulation of basic biological processes such as growth, development, tissue homeostasis and regulation of the immune system.TGF-beta1 In our body's cells, the transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta protein superfamily) is a large family of structurally related cell regulatory proteins that has four major subfamilies including: bone morphogenetic proteins + growth differentiation factors + nodal signaling ligand family + Transforming Growth Factor beta (transforming growth factor-beta protein) Transforming Growth Factor beta1 Transforming Growth Factor beta2 Transforming Growth Factor beta3 inhibins * [70802]
TGF-beta Superfamily Proteins In our body, Transforming Growth Factor beta Superfamily Proteins (TGF-beta Superfamily Proteins) is a large growth factor family of cell regulatory intercellular signaling proteins such as cytokines, structurally related to transforming growth factor beta, subdivided into at least three related protein families: bone morphogenetic proteins, growth differentiation factors and transforming growth factors. In our body's cells, the Transforming Growth Factor beta (TGF-β) Superfamily a play fundamental role in the regulation of basic biological processes such as growth, development, tissue homeostasis and regulation of the immune system.TGF-beta1 In our body's cells, the transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta protein superfamily) is a large family of structurally related cell regulatory proteins that has four major subfamilies including: bone morphogenetic proteins + growth differentiation factors + nodal signaling ligand family + Transforming Growth Factor beta (transforming growth factor-beta protein) Transforming Growth Factor beta1 Transforming Growth Factor beta2 Transforming Growth Factor beta3 inhibins *