“Geophytes” Geophyte In botany, Geophyte is one of Raunkiaer Plant Life-Form categories of plant life-form schemes in the subcategory of cryptophytes that have stems which die back during unfavorable seasons, with the plant surviving as a bulb, rhizome, tuber or root bud. Examples of geophytes include: Gladiolus communis Gladiolus italicus Dioscorea communis Himantoglossum robertianum * [80661]
Geophyte In botany, Geophyte is one of Raunkiaer Plant Life-Form categories of plant life-form schemes in the subcategory of cryptophytes that have stems which die back during unfavorable seasons, with the plant surviving as a bulb, rhizome, tuber or root bud. Examples of geophytes include: Gladiolus communis Gladiolus italicus Dioscorea communis Himantoglossum robertianum *