“Cobra Venoms (Naja Venoms)” Cobra Venoms From nature, the snake venom, Cobra Venoms (Naja Venoms), as a form of an elapid venom, are biological toxic venomous substances elaborated from the salivary glands of a snakes (Ophidia) in the genus Naja of the family Elapidae. Examples of cobra venoms include: cobra cardiotoxin proteins (cobra cytotoxins) Cobra Neurotoxin Proteins * [94936]
Cobra Venoms From nature, the snake venom, Cobra Venoms (Naja Venoms), as a form of an elapid venom, are biological toxic venomous substances elaborated from the salivary glands of a snakes (Ophidia) in the genus Naja of the family Elapidae. Examples of cobra venoms include: cobra cardiotoxin proteins (cobra cytotoxins) Cobra Neurotoxin Proteins *